Downloading .pdfs of Albertus Magnus’ works

Albert - von Ghent
Albert the Great
Painting of Justus von Ghent
(ca. 1425/40-ca. 1480)

The best edition of Albert’s works is the so-called Cologne edition (editio Coloniensis), which is very competently supervised by the Albertus-Magnus-Institut of Bonn, and which began with the publication of De bono, in 1951.  The more rigorous nature of that edition implies a very slow progression and its completion will certainly take many more decades. Its cost also makes it out of reach to many students and scholars, especially those working without the support of a major university or in regions like Latin America or Eastern Europe.

The Cologne edition aims to replace the less rigorous and (for now) more complete Jammy (1651) and Borgnet (1890-1899) editions. Nevertheless, it seems important for a number of reasons to make available digital editions of these older texts. First, those older editions have no copyright restriction and can be freely redistributed. Second, Borgnet remains, for most of the works not yet edited by the Institut, the current edition of reference. Third, since Jammy is the basis or model of Borgnet, making image (.pdf) files of both editions available to all can be very useful. A similar kind of reasoning goes for a handful of older, separate editions of individual works of Albert’s.

Click on the underlined item you are interested in to begin the download. Be patient: some files are quite large. Note also that works are named on this page in accordance with the conspectus of the Cologne critical edition, not necessarily according to the exact names actually given to them in the edition that can be downloaded.

Individual works edited separately:
N.B. De vegetabilibus, De animalibus, Super Iob, Determinatio magistri Alberti de novo spiritu, Epistula de ungelt, and Testamentum Domini Alberti are not yet available (last update: March 2021) in the Cologne critical edition, and therefore the following editions remain in their case the editions of reference.

Liber divisionum
, ed. P. de Loë (Bonn, 1913)
De vegetabilibus, ed. E. Meyer-C. Jessen (Berlin, 1867)
De animalibus, ed. H. Stadler (Münster, 1916-1920): Libri I-XII and Libri XIII-XXVI
De principiis motus processivi, ed. H. Stadler (München, 1909)
De fato, ed. P. Mandonnet (Paris, 1927)
Quaestio de quiditate et esse, ed. M. Grabmann (Divus Thomas 20 [1942], 116-156)
Super Iob, ed. M. Weiß (Freiburg im Breisgau, 1904)
Super Ieremiam (frag.), ed. G. Meersseman (Angelicum 9 [1932], 3-20)
Determinatio magistri Alberti de novo spiritu, ed. J. de Guibert (Rome, 1931)
Epistula de ungelt, ed. K. Rieder (Freiburg im Breisgau, 1901)
Testamentum Domini Alberti, ed. H. Anzulewicz (Köln, 2008)

Note also that marked digital copies of the critical editions of Super Porphyrium De V universalibus (2004), De praedicamentis (2013) and De nutrimento et nutrito. De sensu et sensato cuius secundus liber est De memoria et reminiscentia (2017) have been made freely available by the Albertus Magnus Institut, in collaboration with the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.

Albertus Magnus’ Opera omnia, ed. Jammy (Lyon, 1651)

First note that:
1) works whose title is in green are available (last update: March 2018) in the Cologne critical edition, which presents a more reliable text than the Jammy edition;
2) works whose title is in red are not considered to be authentic by the Albertus-Magnus-Institut;
3) a few pages from these scans are very hard to read. (More recently and using much better original copies and/or scanners, Google Books has also scanned and posted online many volumes of the Jammy edition.)

Opera omnia, ed. Jammy (Lyon, 1651), volumen 1 (p.1-94: Super Porphyrium De V universalibus; p.94-193: De praedicamentis; p.194-236: De sex principiis; p.237-289: Peri hermeneias; p.289-512; Analytica priora; p.513-658: Analytica posteriora; p.658-839: Topica; p.840-959: De sophisticis elenchis)

Opera omnia, ed. Jammy (Lyon, 1651), volumen 2 (a, p.1-384: Physica; b, p.1-200: De caelo et mundo; c, p.1-72: De generatione et corruptione; d, p.1-209: Meteora; d, p.210-272: Mineralia)

Opera omnia, ed. Jammy (Lyon, 1651), volumen 3 (a, p.1-188: De anima; b, p.1-448: Metaphysica)

Opera omnia, ed. Jammy (Lyon, 1651), volumen 4 (a, p.1-364: Ethica; b, p.1-500: Politica)

Opera omnia, ed. Jammy (Lyon, 1651), volumen 5 (p.1-51: De sensu et sensato; p.52-63: De memoria et reminiscentia; p.64-109: De somno et vigilia; p.109-131: De motibus animalium; p.131-138: De iuventute et senectute; p.139-159: De spiritu et respiratione; p.159-175: De morte et vita; p.175-184: De nutrimento et nutrito; p.185-217: De natura et origine animae; p.218-238: De unitate intellectus; p.239-262: De intellectu et intelligibili; p.262-292: De natura loci; p.292-329: De causis proprietatum elementorum; p.330-341: De passionibus aëris; p.342-507: De vegetabilibus; p.508-527: De principiis motus processivi; p.528-655: De causis et processu universitatis a causa prima; p.656-666: Speculum astronomiae)

Opera omnia, ed. Jammy (Lyon, 1651), volumen 6 (De animalibus)

Opera omnia, ed. Jammy (Lyon, 1651), volumen 7 (Commentarii in Psalmos)

Opera omnia, ed. Jammy (Lyon, 1651), volumen 8 (a, p.1-39: Super Threnos; p.40-72: Super Baruch; b, p.1-80: Super Danielem; c, p.1-272: Super prophetas minores)

Opera omnia, ed. Jammy (Lyon, 1651), volumen 9 (a, p.1-444: Super Matthaeum; b, p.1-194: Super Marcum)

Opera omnia, ed. Jammy (Lyon, 1651), volumen 10 (Super Lucam)

Opera omnia, ed. Jammy (Lyon, 1651), volumen 11 (a, p.1-340: Super Iohannem; b, p.1-156: Commentarii in Apocalypsim)

Opera omnia, ed. Jammy (Lyon, 1651), volumen 12 (a, p.1-128: Sermones de tempore; p.129-152: Orationes super evang. Dominic. totius anni; p.153-246: Sermones de sanctis; p.247-300: Sermones de sacramento Eucharistiae; b, p.1-104: De muliere forti)

Opera omnia, ed. Jammy (Lyon, 1651), volumen 13 (a, p.1-200: Super Dionysium De caelesti hierarchica; b, p.1-116: Super Dionysium De ecclesiastica hierarchica; p.117-136: Super Dionysii Mysticam theologiam; p.137-196: Super Dionysii Epistulas; c, p.1-148: Compendium theologicae veritatis)

Opera omnia, ed. Jammy (Lyon, 1651), volumen 14 (Super I Sententiarum [dict.1-3])

Opera omnia, ed. Jammy (Lyon, 1651), volumen 15 (Super II et III Sententiarium)

Opera omnia, ed. Jammy (Lyon, 1651), volumen 16 (Super IV Sententiarum)

Opera omnia, ed. Jammy (Lyon, 1651), volumen 17 (Summa de mirabili scientia Dei, prima pars [q.1-50A])

Opera omnia, ed. Jammy (Lyon, 1651), volumen 18 (Summa de mirabili scientia Dei, secunda pars)

Opera omnia, ed. Jammy (Lyon, 1651), volumen 19 (a, p.1-235: De IV coaequaevis; b, p.1-356: De homine)

Opera omnia, ed. Jammy (Lyon, 1651), volumen 20 (a, p.1-156: Mariale; b, p.1-462: De laudibus B. Virginis; c, p.1-40: Biblia Mariana)

Opera omnia, ed. Jammy (Lyon, 1651), volumen 21 (a, p.1-54: Philosophia pauperum; b, p.1-100: De apprehensione; c, p.1-92: De mysterio missae; d, p.1-140: De corpore domini; e, p.1-33: Paradisus animae; f, p.1-11: De adhaerendo Deo; g, p.1-18: De alchimia)

Albertus Magnus’ Opera omnia, ed. Borgnet (Paris, 1890-1899)

First note that:
1) works whose title is in green are available (last update: March 2018) in the Cologne critical edition, which presents a more reliable text than the Borgnet edition;
2) these files sometimes contain works falsely ascribed to Albert, but only authentic individual works are explicitly mentioned on this page;
3) volumes 13, 15, 16, 17, 36, and 37 from the Borgnet edition, which contain only inauthentic works, are not included in this list;
4) a little after the Alberti Magni e-corpus went online, the Internet Archive and later Google Books have also scanned and posted many volumes of the Borgnet edition.

Opera omnia, ed. Borgnet (Paris, 1890), volumen 1 (p.1-148: Super Porphyrium De V universalibus; p.149-304: De praedicamentis; p.305-372: De sex principiis; p.373-457: Peri hermeneias; p.459-809: Analytica priora)

Opera omnia, ed. Borgnet (Paris, 1890), volumen 2 (p.1-232: Analytica posteriora; p.233-524: Topica; p.525-713: De sophisticis elenchis)

Opera omnia, ed. Borgnet (Paris, 1890), volumen 3 (Physica)

Opera omnia, ed. Borgnet (Paris, 1890), volumen 4 (p.1-343: De caelo et mundo; p.345-476: De generatione et corruptione; p.477-832: Meteora)

Opera omnia, ed. Borgnet (Paris, 1890), volumen 5 (p.1-116: Mineralia; p.117-443: De anima)

Opera omnia, ed. Borgnet (Paris, 1890), volumen 6 (Metaphysica)

Opera omnia, ed. Borgnet (Paris, 1891), volumen 7 (Ethica)

Opera omnia, ed. Borgnet (Paris, 1891), volumen 8 (Politica)

Opera omnia, ed. Borgnet (Paris, 1890), volumen 9 (p.1-96: De sensu et sensato; p.97-119: De memoria et reminiscentia; p.121-212: De somno et vigilia; p.213-255: De spiritu et respiratione; p.257-303: De motibus animalium; p.305-321: De iuventute et senectute; p.323-343: De nutrimento et nutrito; p.345-373: De morte et vita; p.375-436: De natura et origine animae; p.437-475; De unitate intellectus; p.477-525: De intellectu et intelligibili; p.527-584: De natura loci; p.585-657: De causis proprietatum elementorum)

Opera omnia, ed. Borgnet (Paris, 1891), volumen 10 (p.1-320: De vegetabilibus; p.321-360: De principiis motus processivi; p.361-628: De causis et processu universitatis a prima causa)

Opera omnia, ed. Borgnet (Paris, 1891), volumen 11 (De animalibus)

Opera omnia, ed. Borgnet (Paris, 1891), volumen 12 (De animalibus)

Opera omnia, ed. Borgnet (Paris, 1892), volumen 14 (p.1-468: Super Dionysium De caelesti hierarchia; p.469-809: Super Dionysium De ecclesiastica hierarchia; p.811-865: Super Dionysii Mysticam theologiam; p.867-1035: Super Dionysii Epistulas)

Opera omnia, ed. Borgnet (Paris, 1893), volumen 18 (p.1-242: De muliere forti; p.243-353: Super Threnos; p.355-445: Super Baruch; p.447-653: Super Danielem)

Opera omnia, ed. Borgnet (Paris, 1892), volumen 19 (Super prophetas minores)

Opera omnia, ed. Borgnet (Paris, 1893), volumen 20 (Super Matthaeum)

Opera omnia, ed. Borgnet (Paris, 1894), volumen 21 (p.1-336: Super Matthaeum; p.339-809: Super Marcum)

Opera omnia, ed. Borgnet (Paris, 1894), volumen 22 (Super Lucam)

Opera omnia, ed. Borgnet (Paris, 1895), volumen 23 (Super Lucam)

Opera omnia, ed. Borgnet (Paris, 1899), volumen 24 (Super Iohannem)

Opera omnia, ed. Borgnet (Paris, 1893), volumen 25 (Super I Sententiarum [dist.1-3])

Opera omnia, ed. Borgnet (Paris, 1893), volumen 26 (Super I Sententiarum)

Opera omnia, ed. Borgnet (Paris, 1894), volumen 27 (Super II Sententiarum)

Opera omnia, ed. Borgnet (Paris, 1894), volumen 28 (Super III Sententiarum)

Opera omnia, ed. Borgnet (Paris, 1894), volumen 29 (Super IV Sententiarum)

Opera omnia, ed. Borgnet (Paris, 1894), volumen 30 (Super IV Sententiarum)

Opera omnia, ed. Borgnet (Paris, 1894), volumen 31 (Summa theologiae sive scientia de mirabili scientia dei [q.1-50A])

Opera omnia, ed. Borgnet (Paris, 1895), volumen 32 (Summa theologiae sive scientia de mirabili scientia dei)
Opera omnia, ed. Borgnet (Paris, 1895), volumen 33 (Summa theologiae sive scientia de mirabili scientia dei)

Opera omnia, ed. Borgnet (Paris, 1895), volumen 34 (De IV coaequaevis)

Opera omnia, ed. Borgnet (Paris, 1896), volumen 35 (De homine)

Opera omnia, ed. Borgnet (Paris, 1899), volumen 38 (p.1-189: De mysterio missae; p.191-463: De corpore domini

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